‘Since the creation of Europe we must now work on the creation of Europeans.” […] With their great enthusiasm our youth is contributing to bringing the concept of Europe to life. But they also ask us many questions and bring up many doubts. It is our duty to listen to their voices and give them valid answers. We must assure them that the capacity and the will exists to avoid the disintegration of Europe’s identity in a solely market oriented vision that is poor in historical, cultural and political content. We must make them aware of the work of our fathers in order to leave the controls and barriers behind us which oppressed Europe only a few years ago. I turn to you, young people, with hope and confidence. Read, think about the history of the life of European nations in the last two centuries. You will find that Europe advanced only then when the civil passion of the citizens triggered those feelings that are the fundament of the conscience of European people — Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.’